
Mälardalen Student Union

MDU works together with Mälardalen Student Union to ensure that you have the most rewarding study time as possible. We want to give you the opportunity to influence your education and give you a secure platform to stand on when you complete your studies.

Mälardalen Student Union

Mälardalen Student Union (MDSU) is the official Student Union at MDU and operates in both campuses. MDSU consists of students who work to make your study time as pleasant as possible by organising student social activities and opportunities to build networks in the private sector. The aim is for all members to have a sense of security and feel that they belong to a positive community. MDSU also works for students' rights to influence their education and study environment.

Members of the Student Union also get benefits in the form of discounts, for instance.


Student Associations

The Student Associations at MDU are there in order to make your study time as good as possible. The Student Associations are made up of volunteer students and are affiliated with special programmes at the University. They mainly work with educational monitoring and student social activities. In addition, they play an important role in the introduction of new students to the University through the mentorship scheme. In these efforts, they share their experiences and welcome new students to the University so that they have an opportunity to feel part of the community.


Student influence

One of MDU's and Mälardalen Student Union's most important assignments is to ensure that you can influence your education through student influence. This is to ensure the high quality of all the courses and study programmes from a student perspective. Much of the Student Union's work is preventative. Examples of issues that have been taken up for the benefit of students are exam-free weekends, anonymous written examinations, more points of departure with the campus buses, better course evaluations and reminders to take the written examinations.

A student representative is a person appointed by Mälardalen Student Union to represent other students in matters related to education and the study environment at MDU. The student representative is invited to various meetings at the University and has the opportunity to influence decisions that are made.

Study environment

For MDU's activities to be as good as possible it’s important that as a student you tell us what you think of your education.

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Do you want to get in touch with the Student Union?

Contact the Student Union