

Zoom is MDU's video conferencing tool and can be used both for lectures and for various group activities.

To get the most out of the program, we recommend that you download the client to your computer or mobile device. External link.

If you want Zoom on your mobile or tablet, the app is available in the device's store.

It is important that you select "Sign in with SSO" and not the regular login box you see first. When logging in, it can ask which domain you want to log in to. Here you write "mdu-se". When you click Continue, you will come to a web page, on that page you log in with your username and password for MDU.

The zoom client will now start up with you as logged in, and from here you can create your own meetings or join others. The client usually remembers your login for a while, so you should not have to log in every time.

We recommend that you start the Zoom Client before clicking on a link that you have received for a meeting, this is to make sure that you enter the meeting as logged in, and do not get stuck in the waiting room or have other problems. If you choose to enter a meeting without logging in, you will end up in a waiting room.

Meetings via Zoom