
Care, Recovery and Health

Sustainable professional development by a digitalizied introductory programme for nurses

The aim is to develop, conduct and evaluate a professional developing program (PDP) to support newly graduated nurses role clarity, ability to act, social integration, reduce stress and increase recovery. The target is to increase job satisfaction.



Planned completion


Main financing


Collaboration partners

Project manager at MDU

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Marie-Louise Södersved Källestedt, utbildningsledare, Region Västmanland

A newly graduated nurse who enter the work life can experience uncertainty and stress, due to new challenges , difficult to handle and one can feel lonely i such situations. To facilitate the transitions from education to work life the health care organisations offer introduction programs. Previous research show that such programs more or less contribute to competence development, and they are not always based on research. In this project a professional developing program (PDP) will be developed and conducted based on research and with targeted contributions for optimal effect and are supposed to increase the nurses work satisfaction and health.

The objectives are to evaluate if the professional developing program (PDP) has effect on role clarity, ability to act and social integration can contribute to job satisfaction and decreased sickness absence.

A doctoral student is involve in the project. The professional development program comprises of eight lessons with reflections Advisors (experienced nurses) are educated to lead reflections groups with the newly graduated nurses. The project has a prospective longitudinal design. Both qualitiative and quantitative data are collected, by questionnaires, focus groups interviews and individual interviews. The participants are the newly graduated and employed nurses, the advisors and the managers.

This research relates to the following sustainable development goals