
Degrees at MDU

Below you will find information about the types of degree for which MDU has degree-awarding powers.

All higher education is divided up into first-cycle, second-cycle and third-cycle levels. The degrees you can take follow the same classification:

  • First-cycle level. Higher education diploma, Bachelor’s degree and a professional qualification
  • Second-cycle level. Master’s degree (60 credits), Master’s degree (120 credits), and professional qualification
  • Third-cycle level. Licentiate degree and Doctor’s degree

Here follow the qualification descriptors for the degrees for which MDU has degree-awarding powers. The qualification descriptors are supplements to MDU's local system of qualifications.

Degrees at first-cycle level

Degrees at second-cycle level

Professional qualifications at first- and second-cycle level

Degrees at Third-cycle level

Contact Office of Degrees

Email: examen@mdu.se
Telephone: +46(0)16-15 32 20, Tuesday and Thursday 10:00-11:00.