
NOMP-group – New Organisation and Management Practices

Shaping the sustainable city - the case of Stockholm Royal Seaport

This research project aims at studying how the ”sustainable city” is shaped over time.






Collaboration partners

Project manager at MDU

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”Sustainability” is a popular word in contemporary society, also in the planning and management of cities. But what does ”sustainability” mean in this context?

Building on the perspective that a concept is filled with content depending on how it is used in practice, this research aims at studying how the ”sustainable city” is shaped over time. We do this by following the digital footprint that Stockholm Royal Seaport – one of the largest sustainable development-projects in Europe today – do over time, from 2011 and onwards.


Our preliminary results indicate that what is ”sustainable” is inferior to the planning- and development process that any city development project must follow, which means that ”sustainability” is rather a buzzword than a concept involving some kind of alternative practice.